“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Of course, Jesus is using hyperbole to get our attention. It will not do, however, to claim that we are not rich and therefore presume that Jesus cannot be speaking to us. We may not have the “many possessions” of the sincerely pious man who approached Jesus asking what more he could do to gain eternal life beyond observing the commandments. Yet, most probably, we have something we would rather not lose “for the sake of the gospel.”
One who is rich in prejudices will find it difficult taking the time to unlearn the misinformation he has accumulated. One who highly values her comfort will struggle making the change to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Those who are rich in grudges will find no room within to forgive offenses. Those who highly value leisure can never find time to volunteer their talents in support of a good cause. Jesus looks at us with love and invites us to let go of whatever we cling to unnecessarily so that we might be free to follow him unreservedly.